17 April 2006

barry bonds booed at dodger stadium... again

A last minute invitation on Friday night offering free tickets to the game was a pleasant surprise. The rain wasn't a deterrent with the free ticket offer either - even if the Dodgers were playing the Giants. I usually try to avoid the big rivalry games because lame Dodger fans are just that much lamer when the Giants are in town. But free tickets (especially nice loge seats above the visitors dugout) are free tickets...

So after a nearly two hour rain delay, the field was uncovered & the players take the field to warm up. As soon as Bonds makes an appearance, I notice a guy sitting nearby, flipping Bonds the bird (both hands). Notice above in my Bonds photo, how far away he is from us in the Loge section? What was Mister Double Bird Flipper thinking? No class. And it made me relieved that my seven year old son wasn't there to witness the bad sportsmanship that seems to sum up a lot of the Dodger fan base. Look, I am not square & I have a mouth that can make a sailor blush, but I just think a baseball game isn't the place for it.

Believe me, I get it... all the recent scandal with Bonds & steroids. And really I hate to see Ruth's & Aaron's records busted by someone hopped on up steroids. But I think that this scandal is ever so convenient for the noisy & drunk Dodger fan who gets off on booing. Booing & chanting "Giants suck, Giants suck..." anytime they aren't off getting another beer or being distracted by the countless beach balls being tossed around. I really hate the beach ball scene. Though as much as I hate the beach balls, I will admit that when the folks in the left field pavilion were tossing around an inflatable pill bottle Friday night, I cracked-up. I do have a sense of humor along with my good sportsmanship leanings & my corny idea that you go to a game to watch the game & not watch beach balls.

Here's another example of lame Dodger fans: We LOVED Shawn Green - loved him. He gets traded to Arizona (he didn't even want to get traded). Now every time Green comes back with the Diamondbacks to Dodger stadium, he gets booed & heckled like you wouldn't believe. At that point I started hoping that Shawn gets hits just to upset the dimwitted Dodger fans.

Back to Bonds... For the record I was not rooting for him to get a hit & I did think he may have needed a cane out there in left field. But I wasn't going to make a scene about it.

Good sportsmanship: Vin Scully gets it. He can compliment an opposing teams great play. He can be a Dodger fan and still have class. All in all though, the rain & then the rain delay kept away a lot of the usual Dodger fan riff raff. It was fun to be at the stadium watching a game after midnight... Yeah, yeah, yeah, Dodgers lost.


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