14 March 2006

my cat's a cutter

My crazy cat is a cutter. There is no other way to explain it. That phrase was actually coined by my friend Paul. Dear Boyfriend & I ran into Paul & his boyfriend Matt at the David Sedaris reading at Royce Hall last April. Paul & Matt have a couple of cats, so we were sharing various cat tales. I brought up that my cat Sparkles is always opening up her chin. Paul said, "Your cat's a cutter"! And he was right. So she cuts, then she has to wear a cone for a week or so. Then she heals & I take the cone off & she goes back to cutting herself. Insanity! And let me tell you, a litter box using cat with a cone is problematic. She uses the litter box & as she is looking around for what needs burying, she often dips the cone in poo. Then with poo on the cone she jumps on the bed or couch for some affection & perhaps to show off the new decoration on her cone. Crimony!

This photo is pretty crappy, but really, do you want to see her wound clearly? Bleh.


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